Study Medicine in Russia, Study in Russia

"Medical education in Russia is highly
advanced and respectable all over the world,
at the same time it is less expensive.

Do you want to study medicine in Russia and live in a city renowned worldwide for its splendor and magnificence!

"St.Petersburg known for its high art, lavish architecture, wild nightlife, an extraordinary history and rich cultural traditions that have inspired and nurtured some of the modern world's greatest literature, music, and visual art. From the mysterious twilight of the White Nights to world-beating opera and ballet productions on magical winter evenings, St. Petersburg charms and entices in every season."

First let me congratulate those of you who have made this awesome decision to study medicine and take on a profession that will change your life and improve the lives of people around you.

I have always wanted to study medicine and become a doctor. I came from the US after realizing how expensive and competitive it was to get into medical school.I than began my search and came upon the opportunity to study medicine in Russia in the English language.

At first it was quite difficult because I didn't know the language. Having picked up the language I was able to experience the culture to the fullest.

I'm now preparing to take the USMLE Step 2.

I am grateful to have made so many friends from so many countries and I hope that i can help those of you who want to become doctors.

A great opportunity awaits those of you with a calling to be doctors.Take advantage and enroll.There are hundreds of students from abroad of all ages studying medicine in Russia and it's fabulous.

Just imagine after 6 years you are able to go back to your home with a respected medical degree ready to practice in your hospitals or clinics at home.You don't have to go through pre-med wasting time and money.

As a medical student in Russia you get to do things you wouldn't be able to do anywhere else in the world and I guarantee it.You have the advantage of performing autopsies as a student all on your own. You're always welcome to assist in operations with chief surgeons that are eager to take you under their wings.You can work with researchers in specific fields.

Below you can get detailed information about the academy in their own words.

Study Medicine in Russia

This is what their official website says:

The St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I. I. Mechnikov (SPSMA) is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher medical education in Russian Federation. The St .Petersburg State Medical Academy dates back to the Psycho neurological Institute which was found in 1907 by a well-known psychiatrist Academician V.M. Bekhterev. St. Petersburg State Medical Academy has a long and proud tradition of educating Russian and International students. The Academy trains specialists in medicine at the graduate and postgraduate levels. More than 35000 physicians graduated from the Academy during the years of its existence, including 3500 foreign graduates from more than 50 countries worldwide since 1947. Among our total student population 5000 we have about 1000 international students from 30 countries. The main clinical basis of the Academy is Peter the Great's Hospital, a 2000 bedded multi specialty medical center that was built in 1903 in the honour of bicentenary of St. Petersburg foundation. History of St. Petersburg State Medical Academy SPSMA was established in 1907 on the basis of Medical faculty of Psychoneurological Institute, organized by Academician V.M. Bekhterev. In 1920 it was reorganized as 2nd Leningrad Medical Institute. In 1936 year 2nd Leningrad Medical Institute was united with city hospital named after I.I. Mechnikov. In 1946 2nd Leningrad Medical Institute was named as Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitary and Hygiene by the Order of the Board of Ministers of USSR N 14077 from 22.12.1946. In 1994 Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitary and Hygiene was renamed as Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy (SPSMA) (WHO Directory, 7 ed., page 329). In 1995 SPSMA was named after Great Russian scientist Nobel Laureate I.I. Mechnikov (order N 1307-p, dated 22.12.1995). Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov is one of the oldest and largest Russian Higher Medical Schools. During almost 100 years of history it was and it is a leading center of Russia in the field of training Doctors of Medicine, specialists in Preventive Medicine and Clinical Medicine. Founder of Academy is Russian Government through the Ministry of Health on the basis of the laws of Russian Federation.

General Information About St. Petersburg State Medical Academy

SPSMA has 56 medical and academic Departments and a teaching Hospital. The Academy campus is located in the central part of the city in a green from spring to autumn wonderful park having area of 35000 square meters. There are 50 beautiful buildings with fabulous architecture on its territory. The Peter the Great Hospital (2000 beds) was built in 1903. Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy (SPSMA) has a long and proud tradition of educating Russian and international students. More than 35000 physicians graduated from the Academy since the years of its existence. Among our total student population of over 5000 we have around 1000 international students from more than 30 countries worldwide. The teaching staff consists of 750 people, including 112 Dr.sci., 433 PhD, 82 Professors, 167 Ass. Professors. The Academy is ranked as the leading educational and medical center in General and Preventive medicine in Russia. The SPSMA trains specialists in medicine of more that 60 specialties. The goal of the Academy is to enable students to apply their knowledge of the fundamentals in an independent consideration of patient's condition, diagnostic options, and therapeutic interventions. On successful completion of the 6 year Academic program graduates are granted a "Doctor of Medicine" (MD) degree.Equal qualified training is given in both English and Russian languages. Rector of Academy is Prof. A. V. Shabrov, MD.,PhD.,D.Sc.,the Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The Academy is recognized in WHO, ECFMG commission of USA, Medical councils of India, Sri-Lanka, Australia, UK, Ireland, Sweden, all the European and American countries. Faculties of Medical Academy Click to enlarge the picture... Click to enlarge the picture... Click to enlarge the picture... International students of Russian medium Faculty begin their studies with the Preparatory Course which helps to master the Russian language and also creat a good science foundation. Students of English Medium Faculty begin the basic program and finish it in English language.

Main Faculties:

  • Preparatory Faculty for Russian medium (6-9 monthes)
  • General Medicine (specialty: Doctor of Medicine) (6 years)
  • Preventive Medicine (specialty: Physician in Preventive Medicine) (6 years)
  • Advanced Nursing (specialty: Manager) (5 years)
  • Postgraduate Faculty:
  • Short term specialization courses 3-11 months
  • Internship - 1 year (only for Russian citizens graduates)
  • Residency (ordinatura) - 2 - 5 years
  • PhD training (aspirantura) - 3-4 years
Structure of course program, curriculum and syllabus of undergraduate education

Standard curriculum is based on the government standard of education for higher professional education for 040100 - General Medicine Specialty for qualification of Physician (Doctor of Medicine) Moscow, Ministry of the health, and Ministry of the Education of the Russian Federation.

There are following basic teaching methods at the university:
  • Lecture based
  • Small-group discussions and seminars
  • Practical and laboratory works
  • Tutorials
  • Independent studies
  • Assessments
  • Clinical training - Clinical rotation (Bedside teaching, Ward rounds)
The First, Second and Third Years

The first three years lay the foundation for an understanding of human biology, its progression towards disease and subsequent medical treatment. The basic medical science curriculum ushers the student through the study of anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology, general pathology, genetics and principles of clinical medicine.
Students extend their initial studies of normal human biology and function into abnormal processes and ultimate disease states. This is accomplished mainly through the studies of pathology and clinical diagnosis. Pathology and Path physiology of each organ system is studied preparing the student for the upcoming clinical clerkship training. Pharmacology is also taken during the third year. In Pharmacology, students study the metabolism, fate and effect of chemical substances of clinical significance in biologic systems. They also describe the action of drugs and define a framework for their use in correcting disordered function. In this year, the student acquires a fundamental clinical background applicable to any branch of medicine and begins crossing the bridge between pre-clinical medical science and the practice of medicine.

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Year Curriculum:
In the last three years, the student begins to apply the knowledge acquired in the first two years of the biomedical sciences and to sharpen clinical skill with a series of clinical clerkships in Primary Care medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Emergency medicine, Internal medicine, Neurology and Psychiatry. In these, the student learns to take responsibility for patient care under supervision and interacts with attending physicians, residents, nurses and other medical students. There is additional time devoted to surgery and primary care. Also in the fourth, fifth and sixth years, students take classes in other clinical electives consisting of programs in cardiovascular disease, hematology, infectious disease, renal disorders, respiratory disorders, neurology and chronic diseases. There are also a limited amount of carefully directed independent studies. Learning experiences during the years of clinical training are diverse and include seminars, lectures, demonstrations, ward rounds, and grand rounds. However the essence of training is the interaction with patients. Students engage with the faculty in clinical pathological correlation discussions and analysis of the mechanisms that express themselves as the signs and symptoms in the history and physical examination. The student is also free to take electives in any area of medicine. These may include ambulatory care, primary care, orthopedics or physical medicine. Students may also elect to participate in research projects at the Academy's departments and affiliated hospitals.

For those of you who want to study medicine in Russia, namely St.Petersburg and are tired of searching and finding outdated information on the internet than feel free to contact me through the form below and I can assist you with all the procedures including invitation and visa as well as airport pickup, accommodation etc. Their will be a small affordable fee to cover expenses.

How my associates and I help you:

  • Represent you here by coordinating all the procedures to get you here safely and surely.
  • Overlook the admissions process and guaranteeing your seat.
  • Get you the invitation and visa than sending it by mail, fedex etc.
  • Monitor the admission process keeping you up to date.
  • Cut out all middle men so you can pay your tuition directly to the Institute.
  • Pick you up from the airport.
  • Guarantee your hostel accommodation as long as you indicate you want to live in the hostel in the application form.
  • Help you with your passport registration.

We have been in service for more than 7 years so we know what students want and need.Our aim is to get the student up and ready for classes.We know how it feels to be in a new country.So we work hard to help our fellow colleagues settle down and feel at home from day 1.

Contact me>>> Dr. Mohamed Zaouia

Alternative email>>> RussianClinicals

Skype>>>Mohamed Zaouia
